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lundi 25 janvier 2010

EDF plus sûr de vendre son réseau GB.

The group Electricite de France (EDF) is more certain to sell its network of electricity distribution in the United Kingdom valued at more than 4 billion euros, of which he had announced the sale in October, Has it learned from sources close to the matter.
"The final scheme of transfer, and event itself are not arrested, told AFP a person close to the electrician public. "There is a strong probability that the network is sold but the form of assignment is less certain," she said.
The source said British authorities would not favor such transfer network for EDF to investment funds, which are currently the "best-bidder". According to the daily Les Echos, the British company National Grid, Scottish and Southern Energy, the Australian bank Macquarie and the sovereign funds of Abu Dhabi (ADIA) have shown particular interest in this network that serves 7.9 million households and d undertakings.
The former CEO of EDF, Pierre Gadonneix, announced the sale of the network last October 2, as part of a plan to sell assets to reduce debt group.

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