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mardi 22 juillet 2014

Mortgage rates stable to slightly lower

Mortgage rates settled barely lower in most cases today, although some lenders were unchanged or slightly higher.  It's a slow start to the week in relation to the financial markets that underlie variations in the rate by far.  There is no economic reports important and markets generally moved in unison from headlines geopolitical (i.e. fellows and rates are high and low, other).

With the limited motion, 4,125% rest most commonly cited conforming 30 year fixed rates for higher level scenarios.  All changes between quotation marks this weekend will only affect closing costs, and even in this case, they would be minimal.  It also means that rates remain well inside a narrow range in the last two months, even though they are closer to the lower end of the range at the moment.  While the new improvement can never be ruled out, the last time rates were this low were all good opportunities to lock.

Creative lending Perspective

"We started rallying week in the best mortgage price of only sell a little, that the afternoon passed. We are somehow at a critical time sitting near the ground where the rate drifted down to rates, but I think that we must go further down through this level to confirm this momentum to lower rates and to confirm a floating bias. Then, closures in the short term (less than 15 days) should seriously consider locking here. Closures of longer duration can probably maintain a wait and see position until we get confirmation on the direction."-Hugh W. Page, Consultant mortgage Sen, Capital mortgage partners

"I think that locking is a sound approach and today." We are at or near lows over 10 years for the last 3 months and if we get the data to be used for the maintenance of a subway, the next step would be upwards of in the sector. "Take your earnings, lock and be happy!"-Brent Borcherding,

"Increased geopolitical tensions that normally help push more low rates do not have this effect on the markets." If rates are not moving lowest they remain at low levels due to geopolitical tensions. If it's rate can climb in a hurry should tensions ease considerably. "Anyway you look at floating is a but risky at the moment."  Manny Gomes, Manager of the branch, Norcom mortgage

"Geopolitical risks continue to occupy their rates down but the 10 year note do not like the weather below 2.47. Rates today are as good as they have been in about a month. My recommendation is to block if you're in the 15 days and longer closures term might consider locking as well. With floating from geopolitical tensions is that can relieve tension and all the recent gains can be taken away quite quickly. Conditions in Ukraine and Palestine should probably get worse for lower movement rates in the near term."-Victor Burek, open mortgage

Best performance of today rate

30 year fixed - 4.125
FHA / VA - 3.75%
15 YEARS FIXED - 3.375%
5 year arm - 3.0 - 3, 50% depending on the lender

Considerations of course/float lock

The hallmark of 2014 so far has been a disconcerting range restricted in the tariffs.  Too many market players bet on rates increasing them in 2014, and markets have sanctioned this imbalance with a less paradoxical movement. From June, the rates were officially lower-year, but it is because of the trajectory of the rates higher in 2013.  The current path in 2014 remains on the side.  European markets continue to play a role in the background, haunting generally helping rates in the United States remain lower than otherwise, they could be.  From a broader point of view, we are in limbo, wait the first important move away from close range.  A rally in late May was a chance to act as this break, but rates have since returned to what were previously the lower limits of the range of 2014. As always, please keep in mind that rates discussed generally relates to what we have called 'best performance' (otherwise said, the most frequently cited, compliant, 30 year fixed rates for borrowers from high level, only on the price of pure and simple non-based, but also 'bang-for-the-buck.'  In General, our best execution rate tends to connote no departure or discount points - even if this may vary - and tends to predict the weekly Freddie Mac survey with great precision.  It is reasonable to assume that our rate of best-ex is the fastest and most accurate of the two due to the method of voting once per week from Freddie).  Coo, Mortgage News Daily / MBS living a former writer, Matthew began writing for Mortgage News Daily in 2007, covering a wide range of topics. Seeing a need in the marketplace, its focus shifted increasingly towards relating MBS and the broader financial markets for loan originators. ... more

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